Monday, May 12, 2008

Home at Last

May 9, 2008

We’re back! The ship docked in Miami at 8am, and US Customs and Immigration processed everyone on board in about three hours. Then we all had to remain on board while the collected luggage of 1000 passengers was hauled into a huge terminal building by forklift and unceremoniously dumped. We were able to leave the ship by 12:30 (hungry, with no more food on board!) and participated in a free-for-all scramble to find luggage. In addition to our four suitcases, the faculty also had to personally transport the boxes of books and teaching material they had used during the semester. Jim had 6 boxes, but we only ever found 3 of them. We hope the rest get returned someday!

We missed our flight home due to the disembarkation delay, so got a hotel room in Miami Beach for the night. A nice swim and an ocean walk restored our good humor, and we had dinner with Sam and Theresa, who were our closest friends on the ship. They were staying several days in Miami before returning home to Tacoma, Washington.

We went back to the airport at 4am Saturday to get on standby for a flight to Norfolk, and got on a 6am flight to Dallas that eventually took us home. Only 3 of our 4 suitcases made it back with us, but the fourth was recovered and delivered by the airline later in the evening. Now we only have to wait for the missing boxes…

So, the journey ends, and real life goes on. Back to work for me on Monday, and for Jim on Saturday. Was it worth the expense? Tenfold. Would we do it again? In a heartbeat! If you ever get the opportunity to travel anywhere – take it! You will be amazed, appalled, afraid and astonished, but you will not be disappointed!

Thanks to all who read this blog! Contact us anytime -, and We'd love to hear from you!

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